Wow Jan what a story! I’ve learned a few things to help me on my life’s journey

Story graphs, I will be looking into this, good reads seem stale

I didn’t know that not sleeping well can lead to all those health problems, I find myself going to bed much earlier than usual now that I’m getting older ( almost over 40), as a matter of fact I need to remind my husband this because he’s like a zombie up all night (lol)

And wow I was just amazed at what you went through, glue in your hair, different sleep study stuff had your looking like ET, etc. I know you’re glad that’s over! I can’t wait for the results as well!

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I agree that GoodReads is kinda stale. But I confess I'm giggling at your claim of getting older at "almost over 40" -- one of my sons is 42! Guess we're all young to someone older — well, until there IS no one older :-)

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Lol, yes, the need to go to bed early is so high on my list nowadays, the importance of sleep is needed. I use to go to bed after 11pm and never bothered me, now I be falling asleep after 8pm! lol

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I always toss and turn in my sleep. Back in the days when we were still using those wired earphone, it would end up somewhere else on the bed or floor when I wake up. If I have to use the CPAD, it may end up on the floor too

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According to my husband, I sleep like a beached flounder too. But from what I hear from CPAP-using friends, that thing is pretty hard to dislodge. I may be finding out! Thanks for reading & commenting, Emika.

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Jan, I'm a new subscriber, and I have to say, as AWFUL as that sleep study experience sounds, you had me laughing all the way through. What a gift you have for painting funny word pictures.

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Thanks for the info Jan. I've been fortunate, I sleep well. Hope you get relief, Trish

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What s process! Let's hope the results are useful! Thanks for the sharing, and may your sleep be sounds.

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