What a wonderful essay, Jan. I, too, am in pursuit of all the wonderful qualities of being "child-like" in this season of my life and I appreciate how you have laid out so eloquently the aspects which we must focus on if we are to achieve that. I am with you 100%!

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Yay! As Julia Hubbel always says, let's play!

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Love me some Julia Hubbel!

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Childish: the negative stereotypical aspects of childhood.

Childlike: the positive stereotypical aspects of childhood.

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I can relate! To me I know what I want to do in my second childhood life. The things I regretted before I have a chance to fix now. I can have more FUN in my second childhood life. I totally get this and I’m having a ball

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Very good ideas ! I study the way of life of very old people, I look particularly about men. Women's life is generally much longer. An old guy can live and still have a very good life, if, of course, he doesn't suffer because of severe illness. Life can be good most of the time, but not for everybody : we have to be careful, avoid accidents, eat well, sleep well and have friends and a good social life.

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